Safety & Support Planning Resources

  • All student support plans should be completed in collaboration with the student and caregivers as they know the student best. There are many options to choose from to be responsive to student needs. 

    Plans should be developed by the and progress monitored through SIT or another team process that includes regular plan review. 

  • Plan Features to Meet Student Needs

    Plan Features to Meet Student Needs Infographic

Documentation & record retention

  • The Student Success & Health Department is the department of record for safety plans. Use the icons below to submit new documents or access existing plans.

Short-Term Planning to Support Student Safety

  • Student Driven Safety & Support PlanStudent-Driven Safety & Support Plan

    Start here. The Student-Centered Safety & Support Plan highlights activators and effective supports as identified by the student. This planning template identifies and documents necessary supports from the perspective of the student and should be completed in collaboration with the student.   

    (*This plan is embedded into the suicide screening form. If a suicide screening has been submitted, a copy of a completed Student-Driven Safety and Support Plan has been emailed to the submitter with no further documentation necessary.)


  • Staff Plan to Support Student SafetyStaff Plan to Support Student Safety

    The Staff Plan to Support Student Safety helps school teams respond to specific unsafe behavior, highlighting effective adult responses along with strategies to avoid. The plan assists teams in providing consistent responses from adults, role clarity, and termination criteria.               

Longer Term Student Support Plans

  • Functional Behavior Assessment/Behavior Support PlanFunctional Behavior Assessment/Behavior Support Plan

    Complete an FBA/BSP if a comprehensive support plan (including individualized interventions) is needed to:

    • Proactively meet student need/function
    • Address activators/triggers and develop new staff responses to better support the student
    • Teach replacement behavior and lagging skills
    • Reinforce and support the use of a replacement behavior

    Visit the MTSS Behavior Support Tier III webpage

  • Plan for Managing Escalating Behavior

    Complete the Plan for Managing Escalating Behaviors for behaviors that are an escalation response (e.g. verbal or physical escalation,  elopement/running away). The plan for managing escalating behavior template incorporates Zones of regulation and NCI concepts throughout the escalation cycle to ensure consistent, effective responses to escalated behavior.

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Safety & Supervision Plan Tracking Ideas

  • Tracking tools logo

    It is best practice to regularly check in on student safety and support plans. Some schools do this in their SIT, some do it during their "mental health" meetings, some during their student service provider meeting.