Informal Procurements - Quotes
Intermediate Procurements, Generally
For Intermediate Procurements of Goods and Services greater than $25,000 and less than or equal to $250,000, the District must seek competitive price quotes or competitive proposals and keep a Written record (see 欧美巨乳色情片-47-0270 Intermediate Procurements for Goods and/or Services Other Than Personal Services). You may use the forms below to meet these requirements.
Business Equity Program Requirements
For intermediate procurements, District departments are strongly encouraged to seek one or more of the minimum three quotes required from Certified Businesses, including businesses owned by minorities or women.
Quotation Log
Quotation Logs can be used to document verbal quotations or quotations received via e-mail for informal procurements. Use of the Quotation Log to document quotations should be limited to standard goods that are widely available from multiple sources.
Price Quote Forms
Price Quote Forms can be used to document quotations received for goods and services for informal procurements. Use of Price Quote Forms should be used instead of Quotation Logs where greater detail is necessary, where substitutions may be considered, or where services are required.
Guide to using the Quick Quote Form
Quote Form - Goods with Substitutions
Small Construction Quote Forms - For Facilities & Maintenance and Office of School Modernization Use
- Applicable Wage Rates
- DCU Rates effective 070124
- FORM 1 Small Construction Quotation Form under $2000
- FORM 2 Small Construction Quotation Form $2000-$40000 (DB)
- FORM 3 Small Construction Quotation Form $2000-$40000 (DCU)
- FORM 4 Small Construction Quotation Form $40000-$80000 fed (BOLI or DB)
- FORM 5 Small Construction Quotation Form $40000-$80000 non-fed (BOLI)
- ADDENDUM Small Construction Quote Form
Informal Request for Proposals
The Informal Request for Proposal solicitation may be used for intermediate procurements for Services, Goods and Personal Services utilizing a combination of proposer evaluation metrics but in a manner that does not require a formal sealed proposal or other formalities. An Informal Request for Proposal is a competitive process that generates proposals indicating how a proposer will meet the needs of the District. After evaluation, the highest scoring proposer is awarded a contract.