• My-EOP Mobile & Desktop Instructions (Student/Family Plan)

    Mobile Instructions

    qr code

    If you already have My-EOP downloaded, skip to step 4.

    1. Search “My-EOP” (or myeop) in the “App Store” (Apple iOS) or the “Play Store” (Android devices).

      Note for iPad users: Select “iPhone Only” as a search limit in the App Store.


    2. Install My-EOP on your device.

      • Accept app permissions.

    3. Open My-EOP.

      • Accept the terms and conditions.

    4. Enter the search term into the search bar. (See 4a in the image on this page.)

      To navigate to the “Find a Plan” screen, click on the magnifying glass from the floating menu. (See 4b in the image on this page)

    5. Enter your search term: 欧美巨乳色情片 S&P

    6. Once your plan is displayed, click on the plan to download.

    7. To gain access to the download, you’ll be asked for your password. Your password is studentparentready (case sensitive)

    Once the file is downloaded, you may enter the plan. From that point forward, when you open My-EOP, you will see that plan on your available plan list.


  • Desktop Instructions

    Access your plan on

    1. Goto the website:

    2. Accept EULA to proceed.

    3. Enter your Organization Code/Search Term: 欧美巨乳色情片 S&P

    4. Once your plan is displayed, click on the blue download button. download icon

    5. To gain access to the download, you’ll be asked for your password. Your password is studentparentready (case sensitive.)

    Once the file is downloaded, you may enter the plan. From that point forward, when you open , you will see that plan on your available plan list.

    Note: You will not have to re-enter the search term or password
    as long as you do not clear the cookies for .