Additional Links
MESD/School Health Services - the main MESD School Health Services number is 503-257-1732 for assistance.
- Heidi Linn School Nurse @ Lane location;
, 503.374.5428 - Kathryn Carney School Nurse @ Vestal location; kcarney@mesd.k12.or.
us; 503.956.2507 - Here are a few other ways the school nurse can support virtually:
- participate in online IEPs/504/staff meetings
- provide social-emotional support to students and staff
- check in virtually with students/parents
- provide health information for school bulletin
- be the contact person for non-emergency health questions
Tech Help phone numbers:
English: 503-916-3375
Español: 503-916-3582
Ti?ng Vi?t: 503-916-3584
Soomaali: 503-916-3586
Русский: 503-916-3583
- Heidi Linn School Nurse @ Lane location;